Living well at home

Making Older Easier

Create a life that works for you both now and in the future.
Learn about home modifications for new and existing homes, helpful gadgets
and technology that can make our lives easier as we get older.

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  • How Can I Make Aging Easier
    My aunt didn’t expect to live to be 90 and using a walker. So far she has managed to age in place in her own home of more than 50 years and wants to continue to do so. While there have been a few adjustments she has made like a chair for the tub and …

    How Can I Make Aging Easier Read More »

  • Blog post 2
    Hi, I’m Pamela and thanks for visiting my site. I guess I’m now considered a senior adult or maybe senior citizen, older adult, aging adult, baby boomer, or just a boomer. I don’t really care for any of those labels. I’m me just older. Life Is Always Changing Several years ago the Rheumatoid Arthritis I …

    Blog post 2 Read More »

  • Blog Post 3
    Hi, I’m Pamela and thanks for visiting my site. I guess I’m now considered a senior adult or maybe senior citizen, older adult, aging adult, baby boomer, or just a boomer. I don’t really care for any of those labels. I’m me just older. Life Is Always Changing Several years ago the Rheumatoid Arthritis I …

    Blog Post 3 Read More »

About Me

I’m just beginning to adjust to life as an older me and I am learning more all the time about how I can move forward with this next chapter of my life and do it as best as I can.

Welcome To This Site

Getting older can be downright challenging at times. If you want to age in place in your own home or will be building a new home there are plenty of things that you can do to prepare for an older you. And let’s not forget about things like cool new gadgets or tools that can make doing stuff like working with hands that won’t cooperate easier.

We just have to make some adjustments to our day to day life to make things a little and sometimes a lot easier.
Fortunately, there is much we can do. Let’s figure this out together!

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